DevOps platform to manage cloud security for developers by developers
Please note: The company behind WoTT has closed it's doors but we have decided to make WoTT free and open source for the community. Find all code on GitHub. Documentation
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our productsInstall the open-source agent to instantly find and fix infrastructure vulnerabilitiesNo configuration needed. Works out of the box. Turn your DevOps team into a DevSecOps team.
One-line remediationSolutions, not problems. Every check has a one-line fix so you don’t need to parse events and research solutions.
One-line integrationNo time wasted manually setting up open-source tools. Sign up and deploy in minutes. Test it for free on your first node, if you don’t believe us.
our benefitsProtect yourself without hiring a security analystSecurity tools made for developers by developers. Integrate with your existing tool chain and keep security out of sight but not out of mind.
Slack IntegrationNotify the entire developer team by Slack so that action can be taken immediately.
Github IntegrationSet WoTT to open Github issues and seamlessly incorporate security upgrades into your CI/CD pipeline.
Cloud AgnosticWorks with any cloud provider. Protect any linux node whether in the cloud or on the edge. Contact us to learn more about this feature.
our principlesSecurity tools built for developersDevelopers can resolve security vulnerabilities faster by following these principles.
Open sourceTransparency, peer audit and crowdsourced vulnerability reporting.
Secure by designSecurity belongs directly in the node not just on the users’ network.
Shift-leftThe cheapest and most efficient way to include security is during development.
Zero TrustNetworks are not impenetrable. Perimeter security is a false sense of security.
DevSecOps tools for your teamFree and fully featured for one nodeGet Started